
Showing posts from March, 2023

Module Reflection

Creating a campaign focused on digital inequality has been rewarding, exciting and challenging. Initially, my knowledge on digital gender inequality was only limited so throughout the campaign I have been able to gain detailed knowledge on  women's inequality regarding their access to technology and ways I can play my part to make a difference. I think being a woman has made this campaign so much more rewarding and personal to me as it has enabled me to create a platform that aims to help other women in need. I really enjoyed the process of taking on a new role each week, facing new challenges and continuously learning new skills. It successfully enabled me to build my confidence and organisation skills in a leader position, challenged me in finding reliable sources and problem solving when encountering issues, as well as improving my skills in editing and design.  It was eye-opening to be part of the behind the scenes of a social media campaign.  I've always enjoyed the concep

Week 11 - Researcher - Instagram Poll Story

As we were a group of five, we had to create five pieces of content. For our final piece of content, we decided to create an interactive instagram poll asking a question on the global statistics for the gender digital divide, giving our followers options to choose from and using the results to highlight people's knowledge about the digital gender divide.  My role this week was the researcher so my task was to research and find reliable and accurate global statistics for the global digital gender divide that we could include in our poll. As our twitter thread was also going to be posted this week and we wanted to promote our poll as one of the tweets, as a group we tried to complete our instagram poll as early into the week as possible. On Monday, I completed all my research and placed it on our OneDrive folder to be accessed by my team.  I researched multiple statistics for the global digital divide, exploring multiple different websites, organisations and their reports and finding

Week 10 - Communications Director - Twitter Thread

 This week, my role was the communications director. My role included drafting the content for the twitter thread for the production designer and coming up with ideas for captions and hashtags for the tweets. The production designer provided me with a brief of what the nine tweets should contain and the researcher also provided me with external sources to include. Using Pixelmator, an apple editing software, I created a template storyboard for the twitter thread, constructing a box for each tweet with ideas of possible captions, hashtags and images. This can be seen below: I tried to make the visual aspect of my storyboard similar to the aesthetic of a twitter thread, with one tweet idea following another. For each tweet, I wrote caption ideas that I thought were engaging yet informative and would capture the audience's attention. I wrote multiple for each tweet to give the production designer some different options to take influence from. Looking back on it, for the pieces of prev

Week 9 - Production Designer - Infographic

Due to having a team of five and only four roles, in week seven when producing our video, I gained some prior experience in the production designer role. I aided the production designer, by creating the text information slides to put in the video, using the software Canva.  This gave me valuable experience in using Canva, enabling me to experiment with it's different tools such as the graphic tool and how to navigate the software ahead of my role as production designer. This meant that when I was production designer, I already felt confident in my skills regarding Canva and had experience in creating visually stimulating informative slides. Our campaign video is linked below:   In week nine, my role was the production designer for the infographic. My role included creating the infographic, taking influence from the communications director's vision. My deadline was Friday, which I successfully met.  Due to my prev

Week 8 - Production Manager - Podcast

For the podcast, my role was the production manager. My role involved coordinating the team, setting deadlines and booking the Podcast studio.  My first priority was to book the podcast studio in advance, so on Saturday 4th March, using WhatsApp I confirmed a date with my team where we were available to meet and record. We decided on Thursday 9th March.  I logged onto Chronos: Exeter's equipment and facilities booking and reserved the Roborough Podcast Studio for Thursday.  As production manager, I felt very conscious about being proactive and organised, particularly in advance to prevent availability and timing being an issue.    Once my reservation was confirmed, using our WhatsApp group, I informed my group we were set to record the podcast on Thursday 6th March between 10-12am and we should meet at the Studio at 9:45am that day. I emailed the drama technical team to see if there was anything that I needed to do in advance to which they replied with all the relevant information.