Week 10 - Communications Director - Twitter Thread

 This week, my role was the communications director. My role included drafting the content for the twitter thread for the production designer and coming up with ideas for captions and hashtags for the tweets. The production designer provided me with a brief of what the nine tweets should contain and the researcher also provided me with external sources to include. Using Pixelmator, an apple editing software, I created a template storyboard for the twitter thread, constructing a box for each tweet with ideas of possible captions, hashtags and images. This can be seen below:

I tried to make the visual aspect of my storyboard similar to the aesthetic of a twitter thread, with one tweet idea following another. For each tweet, I wrote caption ideas that I thought were engaging yet informative and would capture the audience's attention. I wrote multiple for each tweet to give the production designer some different options to take influence from. Looking back on it, for the pieces of previous campaign content we were using twitter to promote, my caption ideas could have highlighted specific key statements included in the content to introduce them and make them more original. 

In terms of hashtag ideas, for each tweet I drafted universal hashtags concerning the topic of global digital gender inequality and specific hashtags linked to the content the tweet focused on. I thought it was important to have hashtags that both directly addressed our audience and linked to our campaign's purpose. In terms of drafting the visual content for each tweet, many of the planned tweets included visual content we had already created to promote them, such as our video. However, I also used images from articles and charities that would be included in our thread. 

The twitter thread was the biggest piece of content we undertook, so the fact we had created such a supportive and communicative environment in our group throughout the weeks of our campaign made it far less stressful and easier. Everyone was actively helping each other within the group chat if anyone had any queries. We collectively worked as a team to make sure any previous content still in the process of getting approved was signed off, so it was also ready to be posted as part of our twitter thread. 

Link to our twitter thread: https://twitter.com/execludedd  
