Module Reflection

Creating a campaign focused on digital inequality has been rewarding, exciting and challenging. Initially, my knowledge on digital gender inequality was only limited so throughout the campaign I have been able to gain detailed knowledge on women's inequality regarding their access to technology and ways I can play my part to make a difference. I think being a woman has made this campaign so much more rewarding and personal to me as it has enabled me to create a platform that aims to help other women in need.

I really enjoyed the process of taking on a new role each week, facing new challenges and continuously learning new skills. It successfully enabled me to build my confidence and organisation skills in a leader position, challenged me in finding reliable sources and problem solving when encountering issues, as well as improving my skills in editing and design. It was eye-opening to be part of the behind the scenes of a social media campaign.

 I've always enjoyed the concept of working in a group so I was mostly excited for this, however I do consider myself a bit of a perfectionist so I was slightly worried about this. However, it was clear from the start that as a group we had the same goals and motivation in creating our campaign to the best of our abilities. We collectively created a very supportive, communicative and approachable group environment throughout the module. I felt like everyone could easily share their ideas and they would be considered and that I had support from my team throughout, especially if enduring any issues. As a team, we had very good harmony and worked extremely well together. This module provided me with valuable experience in group work and made me feel more confident in sharing my ideas and even managing a group in the future. 

Advice for Future CMM1002 Students:

  •  Create a support system within your group environment where you feel comfortable to ask each other for help and can work together if you encounter any issues. 
  • Communicate: constantly communicating with your team in a group chat and in person will definitely help you create a positive and supportive environment
  • Going into the project as positive and open minded as possible to hear other's ideas will enable you to make a group environment where everyone feels comfortable and confident in sharing their ideas, enabling you to make the best content. 
  • Use each other's strongest skills to your benefit, at the start of the module, discuss what skills everyone has and use them to your advantage.
