Week 8 - Production Manager - Podcast

For the podcast, my role was the production manager. My role involved coordinating the team, setting deadlines and booking the Podcast studio. My first priority was to book the podcast studio in advance, so on Saturday 4th March, using WhatsApp I confirmed a date with my team where we were available to meet and record. We decided on Thursday 9th March. I logged onto Chronos: Exeter's equipment and facilities booking and reserved the Roborough Podcast Studio for Thursday. As production manager, I felt very conscious about being proactive and organised, particularly in advance to prevent availability and timing being an issue.  

Once my reservation was confirmed, using our WhatsApp group, I informed my group we were set to record the podcast on Thursday 6th March between 10-12am and we should meet at the Studio at 9:45am that day. I emailed the drama technical team to see if there was anything that I needed to do in advance to which they replied with all the relevant information. 

I  made a workflow chart, which visually assigned everyone their roles, their tasks and the deadline for their work. 
However, for the production designer's deadline, I set a provisional deadline and a final deadline to allow enough time to edit and make amendments upon getting it approved. The fifth member of our team was unavailable this week due to personal circumstances. I sent this chart to my team on WhatsApp on Monday. It was received positively, with everyone confident in their tasks.

It was also one of my tasks to ensure the interviewee for our podcast was organised and the correct paperwork was filled out. Organising it was easy as we interviewed one of my teams' flatmates and on the day I got the interviewee to fill in the consent forms, sending them both to her and uploading them to our OneDrive.The necessary deadlines for the podcast had all been met and we all arrived at Roborough Studio for our slot successfully. During the recording of the podcast, we did run into some technical issues, so I took the initiative to email the technical team to assist us. 

However, as a team, we put our brains together and we managed to fix the issue and continue recording. Due to encountering some technical issues in the editing process of the Podcast and changes needing to be re-approved, our podcast was posted later than expected.  However, during these issues, as a group we collectively thought about ways of fixing the editing issues and together made certain decisions about the content such as cutting out the interview after reflecting on its value. 

The link to our podcast on PodBean: https://exetercomms.podbean.com/e/s02e08-digital-gender-gaps-in-work-education-and-health-around-the-world/
