Week 9 - Production Designer - Infographic

Due to having a team of five and only four roles, in week seven when producing our video, I gained some prior experience in the production designer role. I aided the production designer, by creating the text information slides to put in the video, using the software Canva. 

This gave me valuable experience in using Canva, enabling me to experiment with it's different tools such as the graphic tool and how to navigate the software ahead of my role as production designer. This meant that when I was production designer, I already felt confident in my skills regarding Canva and had experience in creating visually stimulating informative slides. Our campaign video is linked below:

In week nine, my role was the production designer for the infographic. My role included creating the infographic, taking influence from the communications director's vision. My deadline was Friday, which I successfully met. Due to my previous experience with Canva and having an A level in photography, I felt confident in my ability to create the Infographic using editing software. The communications director provided me with the storyboard below:

For our first slide, I started off by creating a map image that highlighted the countries our campaign was focused on. Using Pixelmator, an apple photoshop software, I coloured the countries in pink on a map. The colour pink linked to our campaign colours and highlighted the countries to the audience. 

We decided to put the names of the countries we were drawing the audience's attention to on the map and a statistic of digital inequality to anchor the image to our campaign's purpose. I did this using the text tool on Canva. 

We were clear that the purpose of our infographic was to provide the audience with ways they can help countries experiencing digital gender inequality, creating the concept of Educate, Donate, Recycle. Using, the research and an influence of the communication director's visions, on Canva, I created informative, visually appealing slides for the infographics showcasing this concept. 

I used graphics and images to anchor the images to the text and make the infographic more visually exciting for the audience. I used a pink, black and white colour palette like the communication director suggested and I experimented with the layout and text, trying to make it as engaging for the audience as possible. I tried to stick with the same aesthetic throughout the slides, so they were cohesive. 

I thoroughly enjoyed the process of creating the infographic and was happy with its informative yet visually appealing end result. We did encounter one issue in getting the infographic approved, with the researcher having to check the legitimacy of the charities we had promoted, yet this was resolved very easily with all the charities being legit. 

The finished infographic slides looked like this:

Link to our instagram: https://www.instagram.com/execludedd/ 
